Thursday 23 December 2010

About Time

Been meaning to start blogging properly again for ages now, figured a new year (age wise) would be a good time to do so, with a bit of encouragement from my good friend Chantal. I don't imagine I will be writing anything profound on here but it will be somewhere to empty the shit that knocks about in my brain. I'm not going to introduce myself because the chances are if you get the link for this from me you will know enough about my life to work out what I'm referring to. 

Anyways, it is nearly Christmas. Not feeling overly festive yet if I'm honest, with 35.5 hours until Christmas officially begins. I think it is because normally the draw of Christmas for me is that I get to see my family, but living back at home since graduation has taken away that element a bit. The most festive Christmas for me was definitely placement year. So excited to get out of France and home for the holidays was ace. 

Work this week has been killer. Not so much in the routes themselves cos they have been reasonably small in terms of drop numbers but pretty heavy (lightest day thus far has been today which was 811kg). Still, only one more day tomorrow then 4 days off for Christmas. WIN!

On that note, I ought to be getting to bed as my alarm is set for 05:30 in the morning. 

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